■ 全年国内生产总值增长3%。
China's economy grew by 3 percent in 2022.
■ 城镇新增就业1206万人。
A total of 12.06 million urban jobs were added.
■ 居民消费价格上涨2%。
Consumer Price Index rose by 2 percent.
■ 粮食产量1.37万亿斤,增产74亿斤。
Grain output reached 685 million metric tons, an increase of 3.7 million metric tons.
■ 新增减税降费超过1万亿元,缓税缓费7500多亿元。
New tax and fee cuts totaled over 1 trillion yuan, with deferrals of over 750 billion yuan.
■ 免除经济困难高校毕业生2022年国家助学贷款利息并允许延期还本。
Interest payments were waived on government student loans to college graduates with extensions of principal repayments for these loans.
■ 就业形势总体保持稳定,经济增长正在企稳向上。
China’s economy showed momentum for further growth and employment remained stable.
■ 国内生产总值增加到121万亿元,五年年均增长5.2%。
China's GDP increased to 121 trillion yuan (about $17.5 trillion ), an average annual growth rate of 5.2 percent.
■ 城镇新增就业年均1270多万人。
12.7 million urban jobs were added on average annually.
■ 全社会研发经费投入强度从2.1%提高到2.5%以上。
Spending on R&D was up from 2.1 percent to over 2.5 percent of GDP.
■ 高速铁路运营里程从2.5万公里增加到4.2万公里,新建改建农村公路125万公里。
The operating mileage of high-speed railways was up from 25,000 km to 42,000 km. In rural areas, 1.25 million kilometers of road were newly built or upgraded.
■ 货物进出口总额年均增长8.6%,突破40万亿元、连续多年居世界首位。
China’s total volume of trade in goods exceeded 40 trillion yuan, an annual growth of 8.6 percent, making the country the top global trader for many years.
■ 基本养老保险参保人数增加1.4亿、覆盖10.5亿人。
Basic old-age insurance now covers 1.05 billion people, an increase of 140 million over the past five years.
■ 成功举办了简约、安全、精彩的北京冬奥会、冬残奥会。
China successfully hosted the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.
■ 新冠疫情防控取得重大决定性胜利。
China secured a major and decisive victory in the fight against COVID-19.
■ 城乡居民医保人均财政补助标准从450元提高到610元。
Annual per capita government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents increased from 450 yuan to 610 yuan.
■ 推行药品和医用耗材集中带量采购,降低费用负担超过4000亿元。
Medical bills were cut by more than 400 billion yuan through the government’s bulk purchases of medicine and medical supplies.
■ 实施三孩生育政策及配套支持措施。
The three-child policy was launched and supporting measures were put into effect.
■ 国内生产总值增长5%左右。
China aims to expand its economy by around 5 percent in 2023.
■ 城镇新增就业1200万人左右,城镇调查失业率5.5%左右。
China aims to create around 12 million urban jobs in 2023 and targets a surveyed urban unemployment rate of around 5.5 percent.
■ 居民消费价格涨幅3%左右。
China targets inflation rate, or increase in consumer price index (CPI), of around 3 percent for 2023.
■ 居民收入增长与经济增长基本同步。
China will ensure growth in personal income is generally in step with national economic growth this year.
■ 进出口促稳提质,国际收支基本平衡。
China aims for steady increases in both the volume and quality of imports and exports and a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments in 2023.
■ 粮食产量保持在1.3万亿斤以上。
China aims to keep its grain output over 650 million tonnes in 2023.
■ 单位国内生产总值能耗和主要污染物排放量继续下降。
The energy consumption per unit of GDP and the discharge of major pollutants in China will continue declining in 2023.
■ 把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置。
Priority will be given to the recovery and expansion of consumption in 2023.
■ 多渠道增加城乡居民收入。
Incomes of urban and rural residents will be boosted through multiple channels in 2023.
■ 推动外资标志性项目落地建设。
China will facilitate the launch of landmark foreign-funded projects in 2023.
■ 有效防范化解优质头部房企风险,改善资产负债状况,防止无序扩张,促进房地产业平稳发展。
China will ensure effective risk prevention in real estate, help enterprises improve debt-to-asset ratios, and prevent unregulated expansion in the real estate market.
■ 支持刚性和改善性住房需求,解决好新市民、青年人等住房问题。
China will improve the housing support system, support people in buying their first homes or improving their housing situation, and help resolve the housing problems of new urban residents and young people.
■ 大力发展职业教育,推进高等教育创新。
More focus on developing vocational education and exploring new ground in higher education.
■ 推动优质医疗资源扩容下沉和区域均衡布局。
Quality medical resources to be channeled toward community level and distributed more evenly among regions.